Ted Hanik, Former Emmy Award Winning Animator from 'The Simpsons'


  • Overcoming Self Sabotage

The subconscious mind takes in a voracious amount of information. This information is categorized and ranked in order of importance. It is seeking dominant patterns and themes in our environment. Overcoming self-sabotage is about understanding these downloads and how they impact your life. In my life, repetitive downloads dominated my beliefs, commitment and narratives. I will illustrate how it drove my results in life, how these patterns worked against me, how I navigated beyond my programming and how you can as well.

  • Mind Control & Subconscious Programming

Hollywood is steeped in hypnotic suggestion, repetitive content and mind control technology. 'The Simpsons' is no different. I will reveal the tricks of the trade and show how repetitive content is used against the viewing public to negate their best life.

  • Letting Go of Anger, Resentment, Shame and Apathy

If we aren't careful we will allow our trauma, stress and overwhelm to drive a resonant frequency into our lives. My Simpsons experience taught me the importance of 'letting go' of addictions to negative mental states. This letting go process is a requirement for conscious evolution. Elevating our state is of vital importance. I will explain this in detail via my story.

  • Being and STAYING Present and Grateful in Life

An attitude of gratitude is so important in life. It is all too easy to become so wrapped up in deadlines, production schedules, drawing challenges and omnipresent lay-offs to lose your mind in the entertainment industry. This constant 'overwhelm' state was something I exited the animation industry with. I will share with you how we can embrace our power on a day-to-day basis.

  • Behind the Scenes in Hollywood

Hollywood productions aren't just what ends up on the big screen or on television. It is a personal sacrifice to create the finished product behind closed doors. Long hours, delays, budget deadlines and producer demands all play into the equation. Then there is the process of 'getting into the entertainment industry and all the hurdles involved. Networking, honing your craft, shopping a portfolio around town, being rejected time and time again, it is all part of the process. In this session will give you a glimpse inside the inner workings of television's longest-running production, 'The Simpsons'.

Animating on, "The Simpsons" Summer of 2000

The Quintessential Southern California Story.

I was a kid in the 70's and 80's, planted in front of the television set, with a bowl of cereal and a remote control. I was obsessed with all things popular culture. From Indiana Jones, Star Wars, Tom and Jerry, He-Man, Spiderman, Back to the Future and Disney Feature Animation. I was fascinated with the magic of Hollywood and how movies were made.

I grew up close to Disneyland and Hollywood.

Los Angeles was in my backyard as a kid. I fantasized about what it would be like to be a part of that world. I dreamt of Hollywood, and contributing to the illusions on the big screen.

For a time, I lived my dream and animated on 'The Simpsons'

In the summer of 2000, I achieved my dream. I was hired as a Character Lay-out Artist (an animator) on 'The Simpsons'. I earned an Emmy Award for my contribution to the show. I attended premiere parties and cruised the Sunset Strip. For a moment, I lived the Los Angeles, Hollywood life.

Never before have I shared the intimate details of my Simpsons story

My story is one of self-discovery and overcoming self-sabotage. I truly "Woke Up in Springfield". My journey to achieve animating on 'The Simpsons' is riddled with poignant life lessons. My lack of maturity and preparation, paired with the animation climate in the early 2000's primed me toward anger, bitterness, and destruction.

Raw, uncut, unedited self-sabotage, and self-destruction in Hollywood

In this unique and one-of-a-kind biography, I will weave in how the subconscious mind works, how we self-sabotage and offer practical solutions in this
raw, unedited
Simpsons story.

This is a story that I have NEVER told publicly and one that for many years I did not have the strength to confront! I am opening up in a way that I never have before, so that you may learn about your own self-limiting beliefs, anger, self-sabotage, consciousness and, ultimately, redemption.

Ted Hanik, Integrative Health Practitioner,

Self Sabotage Coach, Husband, Father and Former Simpsons Animator


1. Access to the Replay of the LIVE Session

2. Downloadable Affirmations eBook

3. BONUS!Video Lesson
"Simpsons Production and the Path of Mastery"

This was a separate event I hosted for a behind the scenes glimpse

into the artwork of the show, the path of mastery and basic drawing ideas.

4. BONUS!Video Lesson
"How To Draw The Simpsons"

I recorded myself explaining in detail how to draw The Simpsons and

how to understand drawing from a fundamental level. I review all the basics of

three-dimensional drawing, gesture and drawing specifically for The Simpsons.

Purchase Today For $297 ONLY $19.95

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